In my opinion, we think about intelligence the wrong way. I think we confuse intelligence with being highly knowledgeable or well-read. While being highly knowledgeable is a sign of intelligence, I think the main (or best) marker of intelligence is problem-solving ability. Being knowledgeable or polymathic, in my opinion, doesn't count for much if the knowledge doesn't translate into innovative, pragmatic problem-solving in the real world. And I'm not talking about making scientific discoveries or technological invention; problem-solving could involve something as little as spotting a flaw in an argument and being able to prescribe a novel way of correcting that flaw or being able to find a pragmatic, conciliatory way of settling a social dispute. Of course, much of problem-solving involves being sufficiently knowledgeable about the ontology of the problem and, maybe, even its historicity; so in a sense, intelligence is not separable from having vast knowledge. But what re...